суббота, 2 марта 2013 г.

У кроватки

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ПОРТИЛЬЕ Ян Фредерик Питер. Bedtime.
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Camille Aflred Pabst. Alsacienne Bercant son enfant.

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Jean-Francois Millet. Woman Sewing by Lamplight.

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Бугеро Вильям-Адольф. Колыбельная, 1875.

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August Jernberg. Interior med mor och barn.

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William Lockhart Bogle. Mother and child.

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Johann Frankenberger. Young mother at the birth of their child.

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В. Максимов Материнство

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Harry Herman Roseland

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Leon Emile Caille. The Watchful Mother.

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Kаroly Brocky.Mother and Child 1846-50

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ART FRAHM. Sound Asleep.

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Fendi Peter. The Poor Officer's Widow.

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Edouard Armand-Dumaresq

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William Bouguereau, The Bunch of Grapes. 1868.

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Traver J A. Tender Moment.

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Рейтерн Е. Р. Крестьянка из Вилленсхаузена с уснувшим ребенком на руках.

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Berthe Morisot. The Cradle.

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Pierre Oliver Joseph Coomans. A Warm Exchange.

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